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Kamis, 24 Juli 2014
Narrative Text
Long time ago, there was a beautiful woman named Dayang Sumbi. She lived happy with her husband named Tumang. Tumang was a dog. It was the transformation of prince from the heavenly kingdom of Kahyangan. They had a son named Sangkuriang. He was a handsome and smart boy but he did not know that tumang was his father.
One day, Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to go hunt with Tumang. She asked Sangkuriang come back before sun set with the animal for dinner. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang felt worried because he had nothing. Then, he thought that he might take a liver of Tumang in order to make his mother happy. He shot Tumang and carried the liver to the home. Dayang Sumbi knew that it was Tumang’s Liver. She was definitely angry and hit Sangkuriang’s head. Because of that accident, Sangkuriang got wounded and scar in his head. He felt confuse why her mother so over sad. After that, he decided to go away from their home.
Some years later, Sangkuriang on his journey stopped at a village. He met a beautiful girl and fell in love with her. The beautiful girl was his mother, Dayang Sumbi. He did not realize that the village was his homeland the beautiful girl was his own mother. They loved each other and planned to get married. Someday, Dayang Sumbi shocked when she saw a scar on the man’s head at the same place where shehit Sangkuriang on the head some years ago. She realized that he was her missing son, Sangkuriang. She thought that she had to do something to prevent Sangkuriang from marrying her. But she did not wish to disappoint him by cancelling the wedding. So, although she agreed to marry Sangkuriang, she would do so only on the condition that he provides her with a lake and built a beautiful boat in one night. Sangkuriang accepted this condition without a doubt.
Sangkuriang called a group of genie to build a dam around Citarum River. Then, he commands the genies to cut down trees and build a boat. A few moments before dawn, Sangkuriang and his genie servants almost finished the boat. Dayang Sumbi worried if Sangkuriang could finished it so she asked all the women in the village to wave a long red scarf that make it look as dawn was breaking so the cock crowed.
Sangkuriangs’ genie servants immediately dropped their work and ran for cover from the sun, which they feared. Sangkuriang grew furious. With all his anger, he kicked the unfinished boat. The boat flew and landed on a valley. The boat then became a mountain, called Mount Tangkuban Perahu (Tangkuban means upturned or upside down, and Perahu means boat). With his power, he destroyed the dam. The water drained from the lake becoming a wide plain and nowadays became a city called Bandung (from the word Bendung, which means Dam).
Source : http://rabbit13.blogdetik.com/
Long time ago, there was a beautiful woman named Dayang Sumbi. She lived happy with her husband named Tumang. Tumang was a dog. It was the transformation of prince from the heavenly kingdom of Kahyangan. They had a son named Sangkuriang. He was a handsome and smart boy but he did not know that tumang was his father.
One day, Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to go hunt with Tumang. She asked Sangkuriang come back before sun set with the animal for dinner. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang felt worried because he had nothing. Then, he thought that he might take a liver of Tumang in order to make his mother happy. He shot Tumang and carried the liver to the home. Dayang Sumbi knew that it was Tumang’s Liver. She was definitely angry and hit Sangkuriang’s head. Because of that accident, Sangkuriang got wounded and scar in his head. He felt confuse why her mother so over sad. After that, he decided to go away from their home.
Some years later, Sangkuriang on his journey stopped at a village. He met a beautiful girl and fell in love with her. The beautiful girl was his mother, Dayang Sumbi. He did not realize that the village was his homeland the beautiful girl was his own mother. They loved each other and planned to get married. Someday, Dayang Sumbi shocked when she saw a scar on the man’s head at the same place where shehit Sangkuriang on the head some years ago. She realized that he was her missing son, Sangkuriang. She thought that she had to do something to prevent Sangkuriang from marrying her. But she did not wish to disappoint him by cancelling the wedding. So, although she agreed to marry Sangkuriang, she would do so only on the condition that he provides her with a lake and built a beautiful boat in one night. Sangkuriang accepted this condition without a doubt.
Sangkuriang called a group of genie to build a dam around Citarum River. Then, he commands the genies to cut down trees and build a boat. A few moments before dawn, Sangkuriang and his genie servants almost finished the boat. Dayang Sumbi worried if Sangkuriang could finished it so she asked all the women in the village to wave a long red scarf that make it look as dawn was breaking so the cock crowed.
Sangkuriangs’ genie servants immediately dropped their work and ran for cover from the sun, which they feared. Sangkuriang grew furious. With all his anger, he kicked the unfinished boat. The boat flew and landed on a valley. The boat then became a mountain, called Mount Tangkuban Perahu (Tangkuban means upturned or upside down, and Perahu means boat). With his power, he destroyed the dam. The water drained from the lake becoming a wide plain and nowadays became a city called Bandung (from the word Bendung, which means Dam).
Source : http://rabbit13.blogdetik.com/
Selasa, 22 Juli 2014
Procedure Text
How to make fruit pudding
Actually, people who like eat snack or junk food know that it is not good for our health. They have to be able to change their bad habbit. Snack or junk food can be substitued with another health food. For example, fruit pudding. Beside health food, fruit pudding is also very easy and simple to make. It needs a reachable ingredients. They are a packet of white gelatin, 100 gr of sugar, 600 ml of water, white milk, cooking oil, pineapple, strawberry, red grapes, and melon.
After preparing all the ingredients, follow these procedures in making fruit pudding.
Firstly, boil the water on the pan.
Secondly, pour a packet of white gelatin and the sugar into the boiled water.
Thirdly, stir well untill the sugar dissolved.
Fourthly, put some white milk and stir for some minutes.
Fifthly, rub mold with cooking oil and pour the batter into the mold.
Sixtly, cut all the fruits become smaller and put it into the mold.
Finally, let it be hard, remove it from the mold then fruit pudding is ready to serve.
Actually, people who like eat snack or junk food know that it is not good for our health. They have to be able to change their bad habbit. Snack or junk food can be substitued with another health food. For example, fruit pudding. Beside health food, fruit pudding is also very easy and simple to make. It needs a reachable ingredients. They are a packet of white gelatin, 100 gr of sugar, 600 ml of water, white milk, cooking oil, pineapple, strawberry, red grapes, and melon.
After preparing all the ingredients, follow these procedures in making fruit pudding.
Firstly, boil the water on the pan.
Secondly, pour a packet of white gelatin and the sugar into the boiled water.
Thirdly, stir well untill the sugar dissolved.
Fourthly, put some white milk and stir for some minutes.
Fifthly, rub mold with cooking oil and pour the batter into the mold.
Sixtly, cut all the fruits become smaller and put it into the mold.
Finally, let it be hard, remove it from the mold then fruit pudding is ready to serve.
Descriptive Text
My Sister
I have a sister. Her name is Adelia. She is usually called Lia. She is still young, 17 years old. Now, she is eleventh grade of SMKN2 Kediri. She goes to school by motorcycle alone.
Lia is very beautiful. She has a medium bulit body and medium height. Her face is oval with beautiful round black eyes. Lia also has light brown colour with long straight black hair. Her nose is medium. Lia likes listening K-Pop music very much. She is always play music whenever she has a spare time. She is very friendly and kind, but she is little careless in doing something. But actually she is also dilligent to study.
Lis is fearful. She doesn’t like darkness. She always think that in the darkness there is a ghost and she is very afraid about it. Beside that, she is always asks my mother to accompany her to the toilet in the night although it is in a good light.
I have a sister. Her name is Adelia. She is usually called Lia. She is still young, 17 years old. Now, she is eleventh grade of SMKN2 Kediri. She goes to school by motorcycle alone.
Lia is very beautiful. She has a medium bulit body and medium height. Her face is oval with beautiful round black eyes. Lia also has light brown colour with long straight black hair. Her nose is medium. Lia likes listening K-Pop music very much. She is always play music whenever she has a spare time. She is very friendly and kind, but she is little careless in doing something. But actually she is also dilligent to study.
Lis is fearful. She doesn’t like darkness. She always think that in the darkness there is a ghost and she is very afraid about it. Beside that, she is always asks my mother to accompany her to the toilet in the night although it is in a good light.
Report Text
Orchid Flower
Orchid is one of the most beautiful flower on the world. The appearance is very unique because the calyxes are unusual.It different with another flowers. Orchid is also has many colours that make it more beautiful. The other unique thing from this flower is from the way it is planted.
Orchid has an unique shape. It doesn’t has the same calyxes in a flower like the other flower, such as rose, jasmine, sunflower etc. Orchid has 5 calyxes. The 2 calyxes is smaller and longer than 3 other calyxes. The leaf is long and thick.
Orchid has many different colours. They are white, yellow, and the most known purple. The colour can be different by using cross method. This flower is very interesting because the shape and the colour is beautiful. Orchid often uses to decorate a room or wedding party.
The interesting fact of orchid is it lives on a tree but it is not parasit. The flower just stick on the tree without give damage for the three itself. That’s why the way to plant this flower is different from the other. It uses coconut fibre to stick on the tree.
Orchid is one of the most beautiful flower on the world. The appearance is very unique because the calyxes are unusual.It different with another flowers. Orchid is also has many colours that make it more beautiful. The other unique thing from this flower is from the way it is planted.
Orchid has an unique shape. It doesn’t has the same calyxes in a flower like the other flower, such as rose, jasmine, sunflower etc. Orchid has 5 calyxes. The 2 calyxes is smaller and longer than 3 other calyxes. The leaf is long and thick.
Orchid has many different colours. They are white, yellow, and the most known purple. The colour can be different by using cross method. This flower is very interesting because the shape and the colour is beautiful. Orchid often uses to decorate a room or wedding party.
The interesting fact of orchid is it lives on a tree but it is not parasit. The flower just stick on the tree without give damage for the three itself. That’s why the way to plant this flower is different from the other. It uses coconut fibre to stick on the tree.
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