Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

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My Fantastic New Year

Last new year was my unique experience. It cause the things that happened didn’t like my prediction. It was begun when I visited Dholo waterfall with my friends. We went at 10.00 a.m.

At arrived in the place, we was so confuse because the parking area was full. We waited for some minutes to get an empty place. After got the empty place we walked around and went to the waterfall, but we could not enjoy it because there were so many people. It was so crowded. Moreover for taking a picture was so difficult. We did nothing, just saw many people over there. I thought it was boring. At 1.30 p.m we left the waterfall and had a lunch. Then at 2.00 p.m we finished and want to come back to the home, but it failed because of hard rain. We waited for around 30 minutes. After the rain was not hard we decided to go home as soon as possible. At we just went out from the place around 1 km, suddenly the rain fell anymore and became harder. We stop off and waited in an empty small place on the side that road and let the motorcycle on the yard of the place. Some minutes later my friend’s motorcycle fell down. It cause the land mixed with rain water. This situation forced us to make the motorcycle in order. Automatically our clothes was wet because the rain was still hard. We thought that was useless if we kept waiting of the rain. So we decided to go to the home.

Finally we came back with bad condition. Unluckily, at we almost arrived in my home it was not rain. The sun was very hot. We were very shy because we used wet clothes but at least there was not rain.

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